The Purity of Dhamma

Sayagyi U Ba Khin said that wherever Vipassana is taught, no other practice should be added however good it appears to be, since it might gain importance at the expense of the pure Dhamma. We have carefully followed this instruction for the past 40 years.

Nevertheless, well-intentioned people have sometimes tried to add something to the teaching of Vipassana. In some cases it was a specially healthful diet at courses. Sometimes it was the actual provision of medical guidance by renowned physicians who were meditators. Sometimes it was the introduction of forms of religious observance. Sometimes it was the addition of physical exercises. Sometimes it was extra discourses to the students, beyond what has been recorded for use in the course. In one case it was an offer to teach yoga to students after a course. In another case it was an offer to provide acupressure treatment at a centre.
The people who wanted to make these changes were all sincere and well intentioned. And they had good ideas. But what each was suggesting had no place in a Vipassana course.
Vipassana is a technique of self-observation for the purpose of liberating the mind from suffering. That is all. That is everything.
Therefore it is the responsibility of all sincere Vipassana meditators to keep the technique secure and not allow anything to be mixed with it, however good the addition might seem to be. This is how the Wheel of Dhamma will keep turning for generations,for the benefit of one and all.


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