Buddha and Dharma

The pure religion published by some Samyak Sambuddha gets distorted over the passage of time, then it becomes extinct. In such a situation, people forget the true meaning of religion. Holding her was a far away thing. There is no nomination of common modesty in a person, what is the matter of mind-restraint and purity?
But such a person is filled with caste respect because of being born in a special caste. He considers himself religious because of his birth. He hates other castes by considering them inferior. Even his shadow makes him unbearable. Religion reaches the peak of its descendence, while the scriptures created by people of a particular caste declare that no matter how miserable, miserable and miserable the person of their caste may be, but he deserves worship and honor. It is.
On the contrary, no matter how modest, virtuous, wise a person of any other caste may be, he is not worshipable, but entitled to be tortured like animals. Casteism has become a religion for such people. Religion, religion is no more.
Similarly, a person is born in a special sect and feels proud to consider himself a member of this special sect. He considers himself to be very religious. Even if he does not have the name of modesty and morality, he does not have a little bit of mind-restraint and purity. Not only that, he considers the past of his community as a good man and also a good man of any other sect as a good, good, good man. For him, his community has become his religion. Religion, religion is no more.
A person worships a Goddess, God, God, Brahma which is traditionally worshipped in his clan. Celebrate the festival. Fasting - does fasting. Traditional rituals do it. Takes the pilgrimage. He takes bath in a river, puddle or sea and considers himself a very religious person for this reason. Even if he's miserable, miserable, incompetent and dirty minded. In the false pride of completing the rituals valid by his tradition, he considers the traditional rituals of others inferior. For that person, his traditional rituals become religion. Religion, religion does not exist.
If a person's wife dies or his property is destroyed or he has a quarrel with his family members or at the time of a moment of revelation, then he feels great and he leaves the house and becomes a monk. The people who don't leave the house, are despised. Makes them hate them. Some of these homeless people wear yellow chola, some white, some black or some remain naked.
Someone grows hair, someone grows beard and someone bends and someone shaves and one with external luxury considers others lighter. Even if he doesn't have the name of modesty, mind-restraint and purity, he considers himself to be very religious. Hates others. Awakens the ego within yourself. He considers costumes and arrogance as religion. It is not compulsory for him to be modest, contented and pure. Religion, religion is not left for him.
Similarly, a person considers some kind of philosophical belief. Another one of the other kind. Some are self-relative, some are moralist. Some are godly, some are atheist. Some are Sagun-realist, some are Nirgun-formless. No tritalist, no dualist, no advaitist, no dilemma, no dualism, no specialist. Such a differently different person considers his philosophical opinion as religion and considers himself as religious only because of believing that opinion. Even if he does not have the nomination of morality. Whether it has no concentration of mind, no purity. Religion is no more for him.
Thus, the person who considers caste, sect, costume, rituals or philosophical beliefs as religion is often deprived of pure religion. Among them, there is someone who doesn't hesitate to do bad things. ' My religion is in danger ' ' I have to protect my religion ' In the name of religion, by awakening bigotry and expression, killing an innocent person of another sect, shedding his blood, arson, raping a little bit Don't hesitate. Rather, it takes great virtue, great honor, great pride to do this misdeed. Thus the peeling head, prevails and the essence of pure religion is lost. She absolutely misses being followed. So sin spreads in the name of religion, mischief spreads.
At such a time, a person is Buddha or a Bodhisattva is on the way to become Buddha, then he restores pure universal religion. In the name of religion, he shows the path of right religion to the forgotten people, does good to the people, does welfare of the people. If someone is really Buddha, he will establish pure public religion. Not of Buddhism, not of Buddhism. Otherwise he would not be Buddha. Will be one of the establishments of a sect or an opinion.
If you establish a pure religion, it will tell the difference between essence and peel, it will teach you to accept the essence and to abandon the peel thinking it as Nisar. The essence of religion is the life of modesty, restraint on mind and purity of mind. Accepting the principles of religion is not only religion. The person who follows religion is truly religious. So, if there is a Buddha, he will not only teach to accept this essence of religion, but also to follow it.
In the society, on the basis of caste, the belief of high-low is totally against pure religion, even in the field of pure religion, some person is high and some are low. But the criteria for measuring it is that the more strong the person is to follow the religion, the higher the person is. The person who is weak in following religion is as low as he is.
But the person who is inferior to others because he is weak in following religion, he is exempted, he has full convenience to be strong in following religion; i.e. be Shailwan, Samadhiwan and wise and so be high. Become Vitrag, become Arahant, become Buddha and be the highest in the field of religion, be worshiped by all. No obstacle, no obstacle, no value for him to become so. Caste or sects cannot stop him. If it is like this then only religion is pure religion. Worth holding on. Religion is beneficial to all.
Come on Saints!
Follow such a universal manglik religion and get good for yourself and others.
Book: Vipassana Magazine Collection.
Vipassana research formation ॥
May everyone be blessed!!


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