𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐆𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡


After the demise of Sayagyi U Ba Khin on 19th January, Resp. Guruji was well aware of his responsibilities towards Dhamma and his family. Hence, whenever possible or upon returning from a camp, he would gather all his family members together and enquire about their well being and give them guidance if needed, according to his own experiences.

Camp - Bodh Gaya
21 January, 1971
Dear Shankar and Radhe,
Vith the passing away of Resp. Sayagyi U Ba Khin, an immense responsibility has fallen on my shoulders. I had surmised he would live through at least 80 Springs in this body and that for the next ten years I would continue under his blessed shelter, giving my Dhamma service along with dispensing my familial and professional responsibilities; eventually dedicating my entire life to Dhamma service. But do we ever get all that we wish for? Like a lightning bolt streaking from a clear sky, such an unexpected event has occurred. And so soon I have to deal with this tremendous responsibility.
So far as receiving Dhamma support from Resp. Gurudev in my Dhamma service is concerned, I don't see any diminishing of this support, and I believe I will continue to always receive it. Until now, the work that I have been doing was like that of a son executing his responsibilities easily and effortlessly under the watchful eye of his father. Now it will have to be done even more earnestly. Until now, my feeling has been that those who come to me to learn meditation will learn whatever amount they can, and then, to progress more deeply they would go to Rangoon, or at some point, Sayagyi would come to India and he would help them further. Many of the meditators from overseas who have meditated with me for about four or five courses, have expressed a wish to meditate with Sayagyi U Ba Khin for at least 7 days (visas were then restricted to 7 days) and touch deeper depths of Dhamma before returning to their countries. I have constantly kindled this aspiration in them. Now how do I tell them to go and learn from my Teacher? Their dreams too have been upended by his passing away.
With confidence and devotion I have decided to complete this Dhamma course with 92 people and then, in accordance with my vow taken earlier, offer its meritorious fruits of peace, joy, and ever flourishing Dhamma to the newly married couple dear son Sitaram and bride Ruta. [Sitaram is 4th son of Balkrishna Goenka (Eldest brother)]. Then from the 28th I will sit for a self-course in the hallowed Bodhi area in Bodh Gaya for 10 days, ending on 7th February. I just looked at my diary and realised that this day on the [lunar) calendar, the 12th day of the fortnight of the full moon, is possibly also my birthday; do check with mother. On that day, when I enter the 48th year of my life, having completed 47 years, I will do so with a profound Dhamma vow. What else can be a better Dhamma celebration? I believe that on this occasion I will receive the support of each and every member of the family, young and old, and I will be able to dedicate the rest of my life to repaying the debt of my Teacher in serving suffering humanity. Of course, along with serving the family and business to the extent that is possible. This does not mean that I am abdicating my responsibilities towards my family and business. I will continue to put my efforts there too. But now, instead of getting enmeshed there, I think it will be appropriate to make this Dhamma work my main goal.
On 7th February itself, I hope to hold a Sangha Dana on a large scale in reverent memory of Resp. Gurudev, having just completed dana of five Dhamma courses and then my own self-course. About 6 months ago I was overcome with compassion upon seeing the pitiable condition of Burmese bhikkhus in regards to their requisites. I had then promised myself that if possible, I would certainly offer dana consisting of a set of robes, a pair of Burmese slippers and an umbrella to each of the 25 Burmese bhikkhus living in India. This would not only fulfill their immediate material needs but also I would experience the joy of bringing a smile to their faces. They have not been able to get offerings of requisites suitable for bhikkhus from Burmese travellers during the last 8 to 10 years.
Whether all of the bhikkhus of that land are totally firm in their Vinaya or not, they are certainly rightful recipients of our love, care, and gratitude; after all, they belong to the land where I was born and from where we received this invaluable jewel of Dhamma. Babu Bhaiya too appreciated these sentiments. They touched a chord in his heart, and filled with compassion he offered dana of 25 sets of robes, umbrellas, and Burmese slippers in the name of highly respected Gurudev. And what's more, the local Burmese Consulate's representative carried these offerings in a large box from Rangoon. There were instructions from Babu Bhaiya that all these materials should be offered to the Burmese bhikkhus, not in our names, but in the name of Resp. Gurudev. He also said it would be better still if the representative of the Burmese Consulate could distribute these himself. The representative agreed, but at times due to his busy schedule and at times because of my inability to come to this area when convenient for him, this could not be carried out. That box with materials is still lying at the Burmese Vihara in Varanasi, and alas, that representative has been transferred.
I have decided to organise a large Sangha Dana on 7th February. We will invite the Indian, Burmese, and Ceylonese bhikkhus and carry out the ceremony suitable to the exalted stature of Resp. Sayagyi U Ba Khin. Some time ago I had purchased some fabric in Bombay suitable for robes for Indian bhikkhus; one bolt was possibly sent to you too. It may be difficult to organise its stitching at such short notice. If not possible, then I would like you to send the bolt back to me by railway parcel. Then it can be cut and given unstitched to the Indian bhikkhus.
You and dear Radheshyam had each sent me Rs. 2000/- for the Sangha Dana ceremony in Bodh Gaya. At that time I felt that I would not be able to fully utilise this amount for dana. But now, on the occasion of Resp. Gurudev's sacred Sangha Dana day, this will all be made use of, and if I fall short then I will write to our elder brother for more.
May All Be Happy!
Satya Narayana Goenka
Oct 2021 published in Vipassana newsletter


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