Four types of Kamma (karma)

These four types of kamma have been understood, realized & made known by me. which four ?
There is kammma that is bad with bad result; kamma is good with good result; kamma that is bad & good with bad & good result; and kamma that is neither bad nor good with neither bad nor good result, leading to the ending of kamma.
And what is kamma that is bad with bad result ?
There is the case where a certain person fabricates an injurious bodily fabrication... an injurious verbal fabrication... an injurious mental fabrication... He rearise in an injurious world where he is touched by injurious contacts... He experiences feelings that are exclusively painful, like those of the beings in hell. This is callled kamma that is bad with bad result.
And what is kamma that is good with good result ?
There is the case where a certain person fabricates an uninjurious bodily fabrication... an uninjurious verbal fabrication... an uninjurious mental fabrication... He rearise in an uninjurious world where he is touched by uninjurious contacts... He experiences feelings that are exclusively pleasant, like those of the Ever-Radiant Devas. This is callled kamma that is good with good result.
What is kamma that is bad & good with bad & good result ?
There is the case where a certain person fabricates a bodily fabrication that is injurious & uninjurious... a verbal fabrication that is injurious & uninjurious... a mental fabrication that is injurious & uninjurious... He rearise in an injurious & uninjurious world where he is touched by injurious & uninjurious contacts... He experiences injurious & uninjurious feelings, pleasure mingled with pain, like those of human beings, some devas and some beings in lower realms. This is callled kamma that is bad & good with bad & good result.
What is kamma that is neither bad nor good with neither bad nor good result, leading to the ending of kamma ?
The intention right there to abandon this kamma that is bad with bad result, the intention right there to abandon this kamma that is good with good result, , the intention right there to abandon this kamma that is bad & good with bad & good result, This is called kamma that is neither bad nor good with neither bad nor good result, leading to the ending of kamma.
[ Defining bad kamma with bad result : There is the case of certain person who kills living beings, steals what is not given, engages in illicit sex, tells lies and drinks fermented & distilled liquors that are the basis of heedlessness.
And good kamma with good result : There is the case of certain person who abstains from killing living beings, abstains from stealing what is not given, abstains from engages in illicit sex, abstains from tells lies and abstains from drinks fermented & distilled liquors. ] A.IV.232


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