Top 12 quotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin gurudev of S.N. Goenkaji

1.  A balanced mind is necessary to balance the mind of others.

 2.  The Dhamma can stand the test of those who are anxious to do so. They can know for themselves what the benefits are

3.  Just as the light of a candle has the power to dispel darkness in a room, so also the light developed in one man can help dispel the darkness in several others.

4.  The world is facing serious problems. It is just the right time for everyone to take toVipassana Meditation and learn how to find a deep pool of quiet in the midst of all that is happening today.

5.  To Imagine that good can be done by the means of evil is an illusion, a nightmare.

6.  Dhamma eradicates suffering and gives happiness. Who gives this happiness? It is not the Buddha but the Dhamma, the knowledge of anicca within the body, which gives this happiness. That is why you must meditate and be aware of anicca continually.

7.   The more one is attached to self, the greater is the suffering.

8.    Only those who take to meditation with good intentions can be assured of success. With the development of the purity and the power of the mind backed by the insight into the ultimate truth of nature, one may be able to do a lot of things in the right direction for the benefit of mankind.

9.  Anicca is the inside of everybody. It is withing reach of everybody. Just a look into oneself and there it is. .. for householders, anicca is the gem of life which they will treasure to create a reservoir of calm and balanced energy for their own well-being and for the welfare of society.

10.   What is happiness? For all that science has achieved in the field of materialism, are the peoples of the world happy? They may find sensual pleasures off and on, but in their hearts of hearts, they are not happy when they realize what has happened, and what may happen next. Why? This is because, while man has mastery over matter, he is still lacking in mastery over his mind.

11.  Anicca when properly developed will solve almost all your problems. It might not even be necessary for you to ask questions for answers. As the appreciation of anicca grows so will the veil of ignorance fade away. When the fears will disappear automatically. You will then see things in the true perspective.

12.  For progress in vipassana meditation, a student must keep knowing anicca as continuously as possible. ..Continuous awareness of anicca, and so of dukkha and anatta, is the secret of success. The last words of the Buddha just before he breathed his last and passed away into mahaparinibbana were: “Decay (or anicca) is inherent in all component things. Work out your own salvation with diligence.” This is, in fact, the essence of all his teaching during the forty-five years of his ministry. If you will keep up the awareness of the anicca that is inherent in all component things, you are sure to reach the goal in the course of time.



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